Many skeptics believe that truth is personal (e.g., "That may be true for you but not for me"). However, reality doesn't work that way.
Do you believe in objective truth whether you believe them or not? e.g. Gravity exists whether or not we believe in it.
If truth exists, then the next question is: What is the truth about God if there is one? Keep going.
Who or what started the universe?
Truth exists. So what's the truth about God?
Truth exists. So what's the truth about God?
Science confirms that the universe had a beginning. And things that begin to exist must have a cause. What do you think caused the universe to exist?
Christians believe that an all-powerful, eternal God created the universe (Genesis 1:1). Atheism must assume that everything came from nothing—which contradicts logic.
The fine-tuning of the universe for life suggests intelligent design, not random chance. If so, does this Designer care about us?" Keep going.
What about the search for meaning?
Truth exists. So what's the truth about God?
Jesus is a historical fact. And he claimed to be God.
People naturally seek purpose, love, and morality. Even atheists try to find meaning in life. So where do you think our sense of morality and purpose comes from? If we are just accidents of evolution, there is no ultimate purpose to life.
If morality is just an opinion, then nothing is truly right or wrong. But if there is a moral standard beyond humans, that suggests a moral lawgiver—God.
The Bible says, "God has put eternity into man’s heart." (Ecclesiastes 3:11) Keep going.
Jesus is a historical fact. And he claimed to be God.
Jesus is a historical fact. And he claimed to be God.
Jesus is a historical fact. And he claimed to be God.
Even non-Christian historians (Tacitus, Josephus, etc.) confirm that Jesus lived, was crucified, and His followers claimed He rose from the dead.
The Resurrection is key—if Jesus truly rose from the dead, that confirms his claims. If Jesus never rose from the dead, Christianity is false. But if he did, that changes everything about everything.
Did you know that his apostles chose death rather than deny they witnessed that Jesus was resurrected. Who dies for a lie? Keep going.
Believing in Jesus is absolutely unique.
Jesus is a historical fact. And he claimed to be God.
It's not about religion. It's about relationship.
Every other religion teaches that you must do good works to reach God. e.g. Follow the Five Pillars. Earn good karma to escape reincarnation.
Believing in Jesus is different. We can't earn salvation—Jesus paid the price for us. Ephesians 2:8-9 – "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast."
What if salvation isn’t about trying harder, but accepting a gift? Keep going.
It's not about religion. It's about relationship.
Jesus is a historical fact. And he claimed to be God.
It's not about religion. It's about relationship.
Let us invite you to explore Jesus personally. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”
Jesus was murdered by religious people. Christianity isn’t about religious rules; it’s about knowing him personally.
Would you be open to asking God, "If you are real, reveal yourself to me’?" Many people come to Christ when they sincerely seek Him. Keep going.
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